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Kiki Overthinks Every Thing
« October 2007 »
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Kiki Overthinks Every Thing
October 21, 2007
The Fashionable Swag Bag
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Fashionably Late with Stacy London Gift Bag
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

I can't reiterate enough how much fun I had during the taping of Stacy London's new show despite the fiver hours it took. The warm up guy, Brian, was funny and personable. Even better was his knowledge of 80s pop music. (Yours truly was the only one to guess "U Got the Look" by Prince and Sheena Easton when he read the lyrics.) Stacy London looks incredibly petite in person and was nice and gracious. I don't know how much of it was act or how much of it was sincere, but either way I felt it was genuine. She's much tinier in person, but she has really great muscular legs! And folks, her hair is as beautiful and shiny in real life as it is on the television screen!


Although some audience members received free stuff between the segments, everyone in the audience received a swag bag filled with everything that was given out--with the exception of the bra laundry ball--during the taping. One audience member received a pair of size 9 pink stilettos from Stacy's wall of shoes. (The wall was to die for if you're a shoe lover like I am.)


Well, enough of the build up here's all about the swag. The bags were very chic black paper bags with ribbon handles and the name of the show written in hot pink on the front.  A few of the things I cannot use, but I was pleased to receive nonetheless.


1. Goody Styling Therapy Add Shine hair brush which is infused with jojoba oil to remedy dull and damaged hair. Warning: don't ever use with a hair dryer!

2.The Original Gal Pal garment deodorant remover.

3. Two Alexis Bittar costume jewlery rings.

4. The hilarious Shame On You Kit which inlcudes 1 toothbrush, toothpaste, a one size fits most thong, 3 condoms, 1 "emergency" phone card, 1 packet of pain reliever and 1 "leave behind" note. The motto on the bag: For those days when you just can't make it are prepared!"Innocent

5. Strap Tamers which are "the hassle free way to hide bra straps!"

6. Two pairs of DKNY tights in black and brown.

7. Hollywood Fashion Tape which "holds your clothing in place." (It's the miracle that kept J.Lo's infamous green Versace dress from revealing everything!) 

8. Yoga Toes, which bills itself as the "ultimate freedom after shoes." 

9. This product has to be one of the most ridiculously luxurious product a person could carry. It is from France and it is ready to freeze spring water ice cubes. It is called IceRocks.  I used it in my regular New York City tap water and tasted nothing different nor did I feel any more (or less) glamourous.

10. Shubi--a really stylish and reusable tote bag to carry your fancy shoes to and from work. It's very pretty and durable. You could probably throw your Shame On You Kit in it along with your "F*** Me" pumps for those just in case after work dates. Wink

 11. Finally, we received a copy of the new cookbook from Rocco DiSpirito called "Rocco's Real Life Recipes: Fast Flavors for Every Day." The recipes looked easy and delicious, but I won't be trying any soon since my household has recently become lacto-ovo-vegetarians. Sealed

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 9:24 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
October 13, 2007
I Love Stacy, But She Also Kind Of Scares Me
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Fashionably Late with Stacy London
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

I like to keep my promises. Keeping my promises is one of my virtues. I made a promise to myself approximately five months ago that I would attend a taping of the new late night fashion talk show, Shut Up! It’s Stacy London. Well, I have kept promise. On Monday October 15th, I will be attending a taping of Stacy’s new show, which has been renamed to Fashionably Late with Stacy London.


I am very excited about attending. The audience coordinator has promised that there will be drinks, makeovers, and great giveaways (see e-mail below). He also said that there will be celebrity guests in the audience (and, I’m assuming, on the stage). I am also nervous about attending. They have given strict orders for the audience members to not wear black, but to wear color and to dress as we’re going out on the town with our friends. *Sigh* Don’t they know I am a native New Yorker and a mother of two children in diapers? Most of my clothes are of the black, brown, and dull variety.

 The e-mail confirmation instructed me to wear something that pops. Well, I do have one jersey mock-wrap dress in a black and white print that my husband says pops. But I’m not sure it is pop-py enough for the show. (I could wear it with my faux fur red


cap!) All of my somewhat colorful clothes are not fashionable enough or even appropriate for the season. I do have a pair of ivory white dress pants that I could wear (and that I save for special occasions like church), but what to wear over it? I have a red mock-neck turtleneck, a pastel lilac blouse and a bright red sleeveless handkerchief hem blouse. I’m thinking that the red sleeveless number is sexy and does pop, but it is sleeveless! I’ll be freezing when I get there.


I am also considering wearing my Audrey Hepburn-esque black shift dress with a turquoise poncho thrown over it. I wore this outfit to my brother’s wedding last year and received many compliments. Maybe it will be worth a try to do it again? Or, maybe I should pop the turquoise poncho of the B&W print mock-wrap dress? UGH! What’s a fashionista-in-her-dreams-but-not-in-reality do?


Any suggestions? Help a girl out! I’d like to get a makeover, but I don’t want to be too badly clowned either.


P.S.: Did I mention that I’m coming straight from work—the land of the comfortable footwear?

E-mail Received from the Booking Coordinator

of Fashionabley Late with Stacy London:

CONGRATULATIONS! YOU are CONFIRMED for a Taping of “Fashionably Late with Stacy London” ON:

Monday, October 15th

4:30pm Check in Time

The entire experience will take a few hours, but it will be WELL worth it!

We will be doing Make Overs on select audience members, Celebrity Guests will be in attendance, there will be a bar, and we will be giving away various AMAZING ITEMS throughout the shows to everyone!

The taping will take place at:

[address deleted for the privacy of the show and its attendees]

Also, there will be a Casting Person at the front to greet you.

There are NO hard tickets. Your name will be on a guest list the day of the show.

Check in with the Casting Person at the door. Your guests will all be under YOUR name

The Dress code is to look stylish! Dress as if you were going out for a night on the town! Do NOT wear Black! The brighter the colors, the better it looks on TV!

[e-mail truncated by moi]

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 2:55 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (3) | Permalink
September 3, 2007
Red Is my True Color
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Fall Fashion and the Color Red
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

Many of you probably don't know this but red is my absolute favorite color of all time. I own red purses, shoes, lipstick, wallets, and a handmade 2-piece red pants suit. Even my living room is decorated in the powerful color of red--couch, rugs, and curtains. What does the color red mean?

Type this question in Google and you'll get hundreds of thousands of links. To me, the color red means power and domination. It means passion, excitement, protective energy, and sexuality.  According to an Asian friend of mine, the color red is very important during the Chinese New Year for it repels evil (and evil spirits). When I want to feel sexy I wear red. When I am scared and want to convey strength, I wear red. I'll wear red anywhere except to a funeral and to church, because I find that there is something slightly scandalous about wearing a red dress or hat to the house of the Lord. Red draws attention and attention shouldn't be drawn to me in church.

This fall, according to the September 2007 issue of Harper's Bazaar, is all about bright and bold colors. The issue features a story on the colors of fuchsia and purple. There is even a Kate Spate ad featuring rich-colored red, orange, and purple flats worn with red, fuchsia and yellow tights. Who says autumn has to be all about black, brown, and grey? I say embrace the strong and vibrant colors of the changing leaves--red, orange, and firey gold. I'm going red, red, red and even more red this fall because as a mom of a 2.5-year-old and a 6-month-old, I need all the sources of energy I can get.

These three pairs of red shoes from Payless Shoe Source are calling my name, and I was blessed enough to try them on in person during a rare afternoon by myself in the mall. (Unfortunately, I didn't really have the cash to purchase them but I'm nice enough to wish you well in wearing these stylish budget finds.)

These patent red leather kitten hell pumps stalled me in my tracks. They are sleek, shiny, comfortable, and have a low heel. They can be worn with jeans or dress up boring work slacks. I'd pair these with nude stockings or socks or with black depending on the color of your pants.





These casual suede Mary Jane sneaks are comfy as all get out. These are my favorite pair out of the trio of red shoes I tried on that afternoon. They are in line with my lifestyle. The styling will let me wear them all day at work and run around with the girls at the park. I can slip into them without much fuss and they can act both as a bright flourish or a neutral. These shoes will definitely being going on my birthday wish list. (BTW, my birthday is coming up during the month of September and I am willing to accept gifs at  my leisure. lol. Wink)


Last but least are a pair of lace-up fashion sneakers. They have a techno feel and combine the bright color, patent and metallic trend. They would be fun if I were to go out dancing or want to dress up an otherwise boring outfit (which I've seemed to be confined too these days).


Let's remember those wonderful and magical shoes from the Wizard of Oz when outfitting our feet this fall. When the world is scary, slip on those red shoes, click your heels together and shout "There's no place like home!"

 (P.S.: Liven up your wardrobe with the versatile mock wrap dresses from Woman Within. Besides black and a black & white print, they now offer it in teal, purple and red. Who says that you can't be plus-sized and in style.)

On a Beauty Note, Allure siting the beauty trends seen at the Fall fashion shows, declared red lips for the Fall:

"For fall, makeup artists chose to abandon the nude and Barbie-pink lips of recent seasons for bold shades of crimson."


Important Note: Tim Gunn's new show, Tim Gunn's Guide to Style premiere's Thursday, September 6th! Let's watch together, okay? 


Posted by Kiki Shoes at 8:42 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: September 8, 2007 2:52 PM EDT
June 13, 2007
I Found It!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Fabco Shoes
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

Today had the makings of a crappy day. My infant daughter woke up at 4:30 in the morning and refused to go back to sleep even after being changed, fed and read to. When I was trying to leave for work, my eldest daughter started to cry and then wrapped her strong little legs around my waist. Mommy wasn't going anywhere. To top it off, my stomach was upset and I have a stuffy & runny nose.

After scoring a pair of pink platform sandals for $6 at Payless (I had $5 remaining on a gift card I received for Mother's day), I decided to check out the neighborhood shoe store. It was Fabco Shoe Enterprises and it is located on 2101 Church Avenue in Brooklyn, NY. It is like the poor man's DSW--floor to ceiling trendy shoes (some name brand, some the house brand) for deeply discounted prices. It took me only 5 minutes to find a pair of shoes that I love.

As you recall, I've been scouring stores looking for a pair of comfortable and affordable flats. Well, Fabco had several pairs! One was a muted metallic, low-wedged flat with a generous peep toe that didn't rub the sides of my toes. (The pic below is a similar style without the D'orsay cut out.) The insole was well cushioned, especially at the ball of the foot, and the shoe had good arch support. The sytle also came in soft black leather, patent black leather, and in black suede. I also found a pair in rugged brown leather with subtle studding. *Sigh* To top it off, they were only $18.99 and Fabco was having a buy one get one 50% off. Unluckily (or luckily), I didn't have enough money in my wallet to buy even one pair and I used all my restraint not to pull out the plastic.

Well, payday is coming and I will be swinging by Fabco. Now, I just have to stock up on a couple pairs of straight leg pants to perfect the Rachel Zoe look.

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 8:09 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: June 20, 2007 7:32 PM EDT
May 15, 2007
Look and You Shall Find
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: My Top 5 Fashion and Beauty Finds of Spring 2007
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

My Top 5 Fashion and

Beauty Finds of Spring 2007


5. The 7-Minute Face: Whittling down my make-up collection to just four sets of eye shadow palettes, four eyeliners, four lip glosses, 4 lip liners, 7 lipsticks and 2 mascaras has made an incredible difference in how much time I spend getting my face ready for work. With two babies, you have to be quick. I had so many make-up options before that it took me 20 minutes to make a decision and apply my colors. I’ve also given up on applying foundation to my entire face. It has been a wonderful experience. Two complementary eye shadows, a swipe of mascara, a dusting of bronzing powder all over my face with a kabuki brush, and a softly applied lipstick gives me a well-made and simple face.


4. PF Flyers Hi Top Reissue canvas sneakers in Black: Okay, okay, they aren’t the stylish, inexpensive flats with great arch support that I’ve been looking for but they are a pair of comfy shoes with arch support that I can wear to work. They’re a great alternative to my “security officer oxfords” when I wear my slacks and blue jeans.



3. Short-Sleeve, mid-calf length, ribbed tee-shirt dress by Woman Within: These $12.99 dreams from Woman Within are a perfect summer time staple. They come in an array of colors from black to purple to gold to coral, and can be dressed up or dressed down depending on where you are heading. Pop one on with a pair of ballet flats and long necklace, and you’re an in-trend chick. Add a pair of high-heeled pump and a waist-cinching belt, and you’re ready for the office.


2. Olive Oil: Since having my baby, I’ve developed the driest hands because of over washing. None of the lotions I bought helped, so I dried some Olive Oil. Lo and behold! It worked wonders. My hands, elbows, and heels are as soft as they have been in months.


1. Gauchos: They’re a big-thighed woman’s hot weather savior. If your thighs rub together and you can’t bear the thought of wearing biking shorts under your skirt, try a cotton split-skirt or a pair of gauchos.  What’s great? The plus-size catalog Just My Size started selling them way before they became trendy.  What’s even better? You can wear them in the winter time with a great pair of tights and knee-high boots.

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 1:52 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
May 1, 2007
When In New York City, Shop Here...
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Kara New York
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

While returning from my trip to the dentist, I happened upon a boutique-sized store with Forever 21 prices. The store is Kara New York and it is located on 1052 6th Avenue between 39th and 40th Streets. It was filled from ceiling to floor with inexpensive accessories and the trendiest clothes of the season. They had everything from polka dotted tops, nautical striped tunics, skinny jeans, hobo faux leather bags, straw totes, and ballet-styled flats in all colors and materials (none with arch support unfortunate for me). The most expensive item there was $29.99. If it was payday and I was ten years younger, I would have spent a could amount of loot there. Actually, I may go back and still spendt a good amount of loot since the accessories topped out at only $7.99.

Kara had a wall filled with $6.99 watches. They had link band, leather band, chainmill, bangle band, and bracelet band watches in gold told and silver tone. I could have bought a costume watch for every day of the week and for every occassion from work to black tie events. Their collection of long, long necklaces were sweet. They had delicate goldtone, faux gemstone, and wooden disc necklaces to name the least. They also featured the accessory trend of the season, lucite

What really floored me, however, were the 1980s-esque plastic kitschy earrings. There were dangly star shaped earrings with red polka dot or navy blue polka dots. There were also anchor shaped earrings, big circle earrings decorate with red or blue polka dots, and also big circle earrings with red or blue navy stripes. The nautical theme was very heavy and very alluring to moi since it is one of my favorite fashion themes. Unfortunately, because of my age, it would have looked too costumey. Since I was a teenager when these styles first appeared, I wouldn't have looked retro but outdated. Embarassed This doesn't mean I won't be back to buy the goldtone chain necklace with the navy blue open-circle pendant. 

Visit this store! You may also go around the corner to Layla Ladieswear at 20 East 40th street between 5th and Madison Avenues.

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 5:59 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
April 13, 2007
If the Dress Fits...Buy 3!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Woman Within a.k.a. Lane Bryant Catalogs
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

As much as I love fancy shoes, pretty frocks, and playful accessories, I don't shop for my clothes that way. Normally, I buy clothes based on the following criteria:

  • It's very inexpensive ($50 or less per item);
  • It fits (not necessarily flatters);
  • and It's machine washable  (no ironing needed).

This means that I'm not the most stylish librarian in the stacks. Even worse, I buy my shoes based on the following criteria:

  • They're comfy and have arch support (no heels);
  • They're a neutral color (meaning black, brown or taupe);
  • and they're inexpensive ($75 or less).

This also means that my feet are healthy but are horribly dressed. Fortunately, I've found an inexpensive, well-fitting, machine washable and fashionable piece of clothing from an unexpected source: the normally dull and practical plus-sized catalog king Lane Bryant Catalog (not to be associated with the retail chain Lane Bryant). 

I received my order for a matte jersey, mock-wrap, black & white print dress from Lane Bryant Catalog with little hope for fashionability but strict practicality. However, when I opened the package and tried on the dress, I was wonderfully surprised. (I haven't been this wonderfully surprised since I found the plus-size, short inseam, flat front, stretchy dress trouser from Old Navy.) This is the most perfect dress I've ever owned.


The deep V-neck can show off clevage if worn with a push up bra or beautiful necklaces if worn with a traditional bra. The three-quarter sleeves can hide flabby upper-arms and allow you to showcase bracelets and gorgeous watches. (Speaking of gorgeous watches, check out Joan Rivers' Fashion Color Bold Watches at QVC's website.) It creates a waist if you lack one and accentuates an hour glass figure. It skims without clinging, and can go from day to evening with the right accessories. Not to mention, you can wear a bold color shoe to punch up the fun factor, and it is easily a three season dress. I'm planning to buy another one in a solid black color.  If you wear a size 14 and up, I recommend that you give this $25 winner a try.Laughing

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 3:09 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: April 13, 2007 10:27 PM EDT
January 7, 2007
Survey Time
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: Take the Budget Fashionista Quiz
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

I just wanted to let you guys know about The Budget Fashionista's Second Annual Shopping Survey, which attempts to gather a non-biased view of the habits, budgets, etc. of shoppers and fashion lovers worldwide.

Survey Link:

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 9:43 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink
October 12, 2006
Beauty is Made For Me, Part 1
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: Making Bed Rest More Bearable with Beauty Products
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

Beauty and Hygiene Products That Make

Being Pregnant and on Bed Rest More Bearable


As you probably gathered from my last couple of posts, being home preggers and on bed rest is not very much fun especially if you do not have the credit line to indulge the shopping urges that QVC and the Home Shopping Network inspire. Not to mention, pregnancy hormones do things to your body that make PMS feel like a walk along the beach. (The parks in Brooklyn, NY are not that pleasant to walk through, in my opinion.) You get extra hair in all possible places; develop the most delicate of stomachs; and develop a sense of smell that would put a bloodhound to shame. There’s also bouts of oily skin and  back-acne. However, I’ve put together a list of helpful beauty products that have made this wonderful change easier to get through.

The skin on my body from the breasts up have been a mess. I did not have such an acne and oil problem during puberty. Fortunately, I’ve found some great beauty products that have helped  until my hormone fluctuations evened out and my skin started to control my oil production on its own. Everyday, I wash my face and décolleté with Black Opal’s Blemish Control Complexion Bar, which controls oil production and helps fade any of the acne scars you may develop. I then wiped my face, neck, and behind my ears (especially important if you wear glasses!) three times a day with Neutrogena’s Clear Pore Oil Controlling Astringent. If the smell is too strong for you, I also recommend Witch Hazel.

And since I’m on the topic of my face, let me tell you about the excess hair that I’ve been growing out of my chin, jaw line and cheeks. It isn’t the cute soft lady peach fuzz. It’s is dark, thick, coarse hair, and too many to just pluck! When you’re on bed rest, you can’t just waste standing up time by taking 30-45 minutes to pull hair out of your face with your trusty Tweezerman. You have to get hardcore! That’s right, ladies, I’m talking about home waxing. Avon makes a wonderful no-heat waxing products: Avon Skin So Soft Hair Removal Wax Strips . It comes in large strips that you can customize with scissors to fit on your face. The wax job lasts about 10 days to two weeks depending on how fast your hormones pushes out hair. Since your pain threshold will probably be lower than usual, I wouldn’t recommend using this product on your legs, underarms, or on your stomach which will also be struck by an overproduction of hair.

I have to ask: how is it biologically possible for me to have a stuffy nose and be able to smell everything at the same time? The further into your pregnancy you go, the higher the likelihood that you will develop a stuffy nose. This will force you to breathe through your mouth, and your lips will suffer the consequences. They will become dry, and crave more moisture than you can consume through just drinking water. Let me suggest a long lasting, moisturizing, and non-goopy lip gloss by Victoria’s Secret. Their Beauty Rush Lip Gloss is wonderful. They come in wonderful scents and flavors. However, if your stomach is too disagreeable to handle the scents, try Rite Aid Honey Pure Spring Lip Gloss. It doesn’t last as long but it is as moisturizing. In a pinch, petroleum jelly will do.


~~to be continued

Next up: gentle body washes, unscented deordorant, and combating dry skin. 


Posted by Kiki Shoes at 12:04 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
June 29, 2006
Meeting a Fashion Web Icon
Mood:  vegas lucky
Now Playing: How To Be A Budget Fashionista: The Book Party
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews
I was fortunate enough to score an invitation the Budget Fashionista's, Kathryn Finney's, exclusive book signing and cocktail reception last night. Can I tell you just how cool it was? I felt like I was swept up into the oft-portrayed-as-glamorous-world of a fashion editor.

The soiree was held at an out of the way bar in Greenwich Village (New York City) called Madame X. It was a dimly lit bar, which boasted excellent $5 drinks and red velvet settees. Be warned though, the door of the woman's body features a larger-than-life painting of a naked and busty voluptuous woman. The art is reminiscent of graffiti artist muse Vaughn Bode. (You have to appreciate the super-curvy female specimen he creates. Not one of his female characters makes you think of skinny as sexy.) The men's bathroom features the naked lower half of man, but not as voluptuously drawn.

Upon entering, I immediately met the Budget Fashionista's hubby, Tobias. He gave me a pink gift bag with faux pearl handles. I nearly giggled, but tried to remain cool. The second person I met was Kathryn--The Budget Fashionista herself. She was tall and curvy and was wearing a wonderful dress. (A Macy's sale peice, she informed me. But of course!) It was a drop-waisted white dress with tropical colors splashed across the front. I wanted to take a picture, but due to a human malfunction the batteries in my digital camera had died.*ack*

I hob-knobbed with four accomplished and professional black women: three book publishers and one PhD scientist. While enjoying jumbo shrimp and crudit?s from platters surrounding us, we talked fashion, science, babies, and scoring deeply discounted clothes. I was feeling severely fashion-impaired for the event since I had just come from job at the library, but the ladies assuaged my fears by complimenting me on my slim-fitting slacks, V-neck blouse, lavender & khaki-colored scarf.

All the women there were fashionable and well-dressed in their own styles, proving that having style doesn't mean emulating what the fashion pundits declare is stylish. There were also an array of well-, and a few outrageously-, dressed gay men who were introduced to people with prefixes such as "Sexy..." and "the Fabulous...." I'm not hating, they were fabulous! I also met a wonderfully effervescent woman who was a personal stylist. Her main clientele are fresh college grads who need help transitioning from the campus lawn to the corporate offices. (My first year after college found me wearing over sized Black Power tee-shirts over leggings to work!)

After my one cocktail, the Indecent Proposal (a combo of champagne, orange juice, and peach schnapps), went to my knees, I bid adieu. I complimented Kathryn effusively on her book, and thanked her for a great time. While on the train, I rummaged clandestinely through my goody bag. There was a handmade necklace from up-and-coming jewelry maker Jessica Hicks, a lariat necklace from Claire's Boutique, CVS' version of the Olay Regenerist night cream (which was true to the TBF's modus operandi), and a $10 gift certificate to This made me squeal like a schoolgirl!!!

On the way to the subway station after leaving Madame X, I stopped by mid-level priced costume jewelry store--several varieties of these shops have been popping up all over Manhattan. The walls are covered from ceiling to floor with earrings of all lengths, colors, tiers, styles, and materials. The least expensive pairs are $5 and there was a buy 2 get 1 free deal for the least expensive ones. The most expensive pair of earrings I saw were $35. There shelves of bracelets, bangles, wristbands, chains, necklaces and pendants in leather, silver, goldtone, silvertone, beads, and plastic. There were also jewels for cell phones, key chains, and zipper pulls. It is the adult version of Claire's Accessories. If you were to spend a $100 in this place at the beginning of the Fall and Spring Fashion seasons, you would be able to update your entire clothing wardrobe with a season's worth of trendy and chic accessories.

The name of the store is Crystal Collection: Fine Jewelry/Silver & Hair Accessories. It has two locations: 177 Bleecker Street, NYC, between Macdougal and Sullivan Streets and at 1370 Palisades Center Dr., West Nyack, NY.


To begin my long 4th of July weekend, I'm going to ride my fashion high straight to the movie theater to see The Devil Wears Prada. I hope to have a review up by July 4th. The critics seem to be enjoyiing it thus far although the fashion press seems to be balking at the clothing used in the movie. I've read a majority of the book, and it is more true to life about the magazine industry than anyone dares to admit. (I know, I used to work in the magazine industry!)

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 5:01 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: June 29, 2006 10:55 PM EDT
May 20, 2006
Seriously, My Doctor Told Me To Buy New Shoes
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Gladiator Sandals
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews
I have unfortunate feet issues. In 1999, I was subjected to wearing sneakers through the entire summer while I received physical therapy for my fallen arches and torn heel muscles. (Sneakers were the only acceptable form of footwear that would accommodate my special-made orthotics.) By the summer of 2000, I was able to sport cute sandals as long as they had proper arch support.

Last summer, my arches fell after spending the winter running up and down the stacks of the library in my non-supportive faux Uggs (until this winter when I discovered my orthotics could fit in them). I went the route of Birkenstock sandals and nurses' clogs to support my re-fallen arches. Not terribly cute, but at least in the Birks I could still show off my pedicure and toe rings.

Then...I badly sprained my ankle. For six weeks, I had to wrap my foot in an ace bandage, walk with a cane and wear high top sneakers. Oh the fashion agony to wear the same pair of shoes everyday for six weeks. *sigh* (During the healing process, a case of soda fell on my foot forcing another two weeks in the damn ace bandage.)

As the weather started to warm this April, I was looking forward to sporting a whole new collection of nurses' clogs in multiple colors and maybe a new pair of girlie-looking Birkenstocks. Then the unbelievable happened. An industrial fan fell on my foot at work breaking my baby toe! Can you believe this crap? It's going to take like eight weeks to heal. For the past six weeks, I've been regulated to wearing an ugly orthopedic boot to keep my foot flat and my toes from flexing. But there's been a break in the clouds my dear fellow fashionistas! My podiatrist has told me that I can start wearing sandals. He said I can alternate between sandals and the open-toe orthopedic boot. Closed-toe shoes will squeeze my toe, cause more pain, and slow down the healing process. EUREKA! A doctor who recommends buying shoes for medical reasons.

Regular sandals with bands that went across the top of my foot rubbed my injured toe, so I decided to go with this summer's huge trend of Gladiator-style sandals. Essentially, they're flats with a thong styling and criss-crossing across the top of the foot. I bought two very cool pairs from Payless Shoes. One pair was a barely there jeweled silver sandal. They are very comfy, sexy, and a beautiful neutral to all of my cool-based color summer clothing. (I have a beautiful deep blue silk shift dress that these sandals would dress up wonderfully!)

The second pair I bought is a pair of sexily-strong and sturdy sandals with man-made leather straps criss-crossing in the front and a zipper up the back. They came in white, orange, bronze, and spring green. I opted for the orange because they looked more tan and was the perfect neutral for all of my ware-based color clothes. Here's a picture of a similar styled shoe from Target:

Now, what injury could I get next year that would make it medically necessary for me be the library's ultimate fashion icon? lol. Just kidding...I don't want to be injured anymore.

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 2:43 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: May 20, 2006 2:04 PM EDT
May 9, 2006
Voice Your Opinion
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Vote in the Beauty Awards
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 7:36 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
May 5, 2006
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: A Cute Purse from Payless Shoe Source
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews
I've been a fan of Payless Shoe Source since it replaced my favorite Fayva shoes on the corner of Broadway and E. 3rd Street (in New York City's Greenwich Village) many moons ago. It went from being cheesily cheap to ironically cheap to OMG that looks just like a name brand shoe to fashionalbly inexpensive. Payless shoes appear in such fashion magazines as Shop Etc., Lucky, and Glamour. (I doubt we we will ever see a Payless shoe in a Vogue fashion display.)

Right now, I'm loving Payless for all their cute espradille and other wedge sandals I can't wear because of my foot problems (long story). However, a recent visit to my favorite shoe shop revealed a beautiful white leather-esque hobo bag with colorful flowers embrodiered on it. OH MY GOODNESS, it was to die for and perfectly wonderful for summer. (My black real black leather back from H&M--4 years ago--is starting to peel and look to heavy for summer.)

Deliciously yummy for $19.99, no?

Spring and Summer are fun time for me because I like to shop and window shop, and see the big movie blockbusters. (On the top of my list Mission: Impossible III and X-men 3 with my alternative universe husband Hugh Jackman.) So look forward to more entires from moi.

Right now, I'm checking out a new website called Cocoa Chik and a new book by Kimora Lee Simmons called Fabulosity. I can't wait to give you my full details.

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 4:15 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
April 18, 2006
Pretty Brown Faces
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: New Make-up Lines for the Brown Skinned Ladies
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews
There are three new make-up lines out now that I'm curious to try. They're mainly geared toward women of color.

Queen Latifah has a line with Cover Girl. It is called CQ Queen Collection. Cover Girl is offering collection featuring rich palettes of "over 60 shades that are perfect for darker skin tones." I'm really excited about this because CoverGirl, although usually marketed to a younger audience, is my favorite drug store brand. Their foundations in soft sable are the best inexpensive foundation colors for moi. Although my skin is a tad too oily for the TruBlend liquid foundation, it is the only liquid foundation that really matches my skintone. I'm curious if the Queen Collection is even better at matching than CG's traditional foundation colors. You can find out which retailers carry them by calling 1-800-4-COVER-4 (1-800-426-8374).

L'oreal has also recently launched a collection of darker and richer color cosmetics called L'oreal High Intensity Pigments. They promise that the color you see in the pot will be the color you see on your face. Essentially, less layering to get the eye-poppingcolor.

Finally, I'm looking forward to Kimora Lee Simmons cosmetic line, KLS Beauty, available at Sephora. Now, it isn't specifically geared toward women of color, but I'm sure we will flock to it because we love Kimora's flashy, rich, ghetto fab style. According to the blurb on Sephora's site, "your champagne wishes and caviar dreams are about to become a drop dead gorgeous reality" because of Kimora's beauty line. I, for one, am very excited. (I've personally bought into KLS' personality. I'll write it about my conversion at a later date.)

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 5:33 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: April 20, 2006 7:19 PM EDT
March 14, 2006
Fashionistas Come to Crooklyn
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: BK Fashion Week(end)
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews
During the weekend of May 5-7, 2006, I hope to attend some fashion shows on my home turf of Brooklyn, New York. The BK Style Foundation is sponsoring Brooklyn's version of New York's Olympus Fashion Week. It is called BK Fashion Week(end), and it will be held in the DUMBO (downtown under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) section of Brooklyn. (I remember when it was just called Downtown Brooklyn). It will feature shows from up and coming designers, celebrity judges and performers, and shows from such established stylists like Zulema Griffin of Project Runway, Season 2 fame.

I inquired about attending some of the shows. They got back to me rather quickly, and all sounds hopeful. I'm hoping that by mid-May, I'll have some designs to review/post for your pleasure.

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 12:19 PM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink

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