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Kiki Overthinks Every Thing
« January 2009 »
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Kiki Overthinks Every Thing
January 18, 2009
My Make-Up Wish List
Mood:  on fire
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

The cold temperatures and gray skies has frozen my brain and dulled my recent book reading binge. So, I've dove head first into aspirational reading. No, not inspirational, but aspirationa! I'm up to my neck in the shiny, glossy, and (somewhat) cheap escapism of magazines. InStyle, People Stylewatch, Figure, Life & Style, Allure, Parents, Glamour (both U.S. and U.K. versions) and Sophisticate's Black Hair Styles magazines have been weighing down my purse for the past two weeks.  I've flipped through those glossies, tearing out pages, clipping pictures, and earmarking stories. I've developed a wish list of new (or old but never used before) make-up and skincare products I'd like to buy. (Hopefully, I will buy some once I or if I receive a tax refund.)


So, shall we begin?

 1. L'oreal H.I.P Color Presso lip gloss which is a dual chamber tube that allows the user to mix the perfect shade. I've become a real fan of lipgloss over the past five years and I've found that I now have more tubes of lipgloss than I do tubes of lipstick. Who would have ever thunk it?

2. Sula nailpolish doesn't need nail polish remover. It peels off! Imagine changing colors so quickly and easily. 2a. And since we're on the topic of easily removed nail polish, I'm also interested in tryinf out Sally Hansen Nail Art Pens. It reportedly works over any nail polish color and can be removed with water before you add the sealant. How cool is that?

4. My favorite make-up color is green. I don't know why, but I love sporting green finger nails or eyelids.  Styli-Style Line & Seal 24 Twist in Emerald seems like it would be right up my alley.  (I'm waiting for a set of these semi-permanent eyeliner that applies like marker that I won from

5. Nars blush in Orgasm. I really want to see what all the fuss is about in person. The same with Creme de la Mar.

6. Sonia Kashuk for Target make-up brushes because it is always recommended as the best set of brushes to own on the cheap.

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 11:53 AM EST | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: January 18, 2009 3:58 PM EST
October 14, 2008
Are You Eyeballing Me?
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: L.A.Colors Eyeshadow Palette
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

Recently, I've been simply bored by my eyeshadow palettes. Undecided Since April 2008, I've been using a truly awesome make-up palette from Markwin's cosmetics/The Color Institute. It included:


  • 12 lip glosses in pink- and brown-colored based neutral colors
  • 4 blushes ranging from bubble gum pink to barely-there mauve
  • 16 cream eyeshadows in pale metallics and etheral neutrals
  • 12 poweder eyeshadows that read darker than they wear
  • 2 super-blendable eyepencils in brown and black
  • 2 super-blendable lippencils in plum and coral and 
  • 1 passable mascara.


It has been an awesome experience for me. The darker and metallic cream eyeshadows had great lasting power as eyeliners, but faded quickly when applied as shadow. The powders lasted well, but where a little too pale and neutral behind my eye glasses. I barely used the super sheer lip glosses on the left side of the palette, because it gave my mouth a pretty gleam but no color which is what I want from lip gloss. On scale of 1 to ten, I give this palette a firm 7 for being reliable. However, I'm bored with it. It's autumn now and I want my eyes to pop in outrageous colors. Yet, I didn't want to spend a ton on designer eyeshadow brands that I might get sick off in a few months.

As autumn transitions into winter and the season's color palette transitions from rich colors to washed out grays and blacks, I knew that I needed something to keep feeling bright during the long dark days. So, I wandered into one of my local beauty supply shops and found the best and cheapest eyeshadow palettes. For less than $5, I walked out with ten shadows featuring colors like neon pink, deep aqua, neon yellow, and purple. The brand is called L.A. Colors

At $1.99 per palette, I was a little nervous that I was going to get crappy quality and a rash. But I was wrong. L.A. Colors metallic eye shadows go on smooth, rich, and bright. They colors are bright on the lids but not as severe a neon as it reads in the package. 

My first and most favorite palette was Tease (see below)

and Wildflowers (see below).

With a primer and a black mascara, you will have a sexy, bright-eyed look for at least four hours before the shadow starts to crease. And at $1.99 a pop, you can buy a palette for each month of the year! I'm definitely not bored any more. Laughing


Posted by Kiki Shoes at 10:56 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink
Updated: October 14, 2008 10:59 PM EDT
September 29, 2008
Save the Grease for Your Fries
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Avon: MagiX Face Perfector SPF 20
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

I’ve been having so many thoughts swirling around in my head lately that I haven’t had the discipline to slow them down and commit at least one of them to a blog post.Undecided Well, a tiny lull at work has given me the opportunity to share. For the past three weeks, I’ve been using Avon’s new primer called MagiX Face Perfector SPF 20. I am simply in love with it.


I ordered it from Avon’s website, and got it an introductory price of $7.99. (I ordered two tubes!) This wonderful primer has kept my otherwise greasy t-zone looking semi-matte all day at work. It has even worked during some of the most humid days New York City’s Indian summer has thrown at me. Although I sometimes feel like my face is very shiny, the mirror tells me different.


Many of the reviewers online said that it can be worn without a moisturizer underneath. I only recommend this if your skin does not feel dry after you wash it. I use Neutrogena’s Oil Free daily moisturizer with SPF 15 around my smile lines, jaw line, neck and just underneath my eyes since those are the areas on my face that wrinkle easily; need a lot of sun protection; and rarely get shiny. After waiting 2-3 minutes for my skin to absorb the lotion, I rub a dime sized amount of MagiX into my cheeks, on my nose, chin and across my forehead. If I have enough time before work, I also dust a bit of loose powder all over my face to really set the matte look. (I suggest MaxFactor's ColorGenuis Blush or M.A.C. Mineralize Skinfinish applied with a kabuki brush really keep your face shine free.)


MagiX claims to reduce the appearance of pores with “patent-pending Optix [sic] Light-Diffusing Technology”; block shine for up to 10 hours (at least 6 hours for me); reduces the look of fine lines; and makes skin feel softer. I can testify that this is pretty much true for me. The topping on the cake is it has SPF 20, which is added aging protection. It is also one of the most affordable primers out there. (Smashbox’s famous primer costs almost $40.) I am totally in love with Avon right now. Brava! Let me know what your favorite primer is or if you've tried any of the products mentioned.

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 4:37 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
September 9, 2008
Talking Fall Trends and Must Have Classics with The Budget Fashionista
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Kathryn Finney: The Budget Fashionista
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

Talking Fall Trends and Must Have Classics with The Budget Fashionista

by Kiki White

September 9, 2008

In the midst of New York Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week and celebrations for the 5th anniversary of her famous website,, Kathryn Finney took some time out to answer a few questions from yours truly. Enjoy!


Q. What are the five most dominant trends you're noticing for the Fall 2008 season? And, what are your tips for incorporating the looks without breaking the bank?

The five top trends are:

Flared/Wide Leg Pants: One of the hottest trends for fall is the wide leg pant. This can work for everyone- make sure that the width of the flare is proportionate your body type and look for pants with Right technology available at Fashion Bug, Lane Bryant, and Catherines. 

Must Have Accessories: The structured clutch, The Female Fedora, The Patterned Tight, feathered headbands. All three trends are very affordable ways to update your wardrobe without going bankrupt. These items can be found at places like Old Navy, Wal-Mart, and Payless for well under $20.

Superhero Looks: Inspired by Summer 2008's superhero mega hits like Hancock and The Dark Knight, superhero looks incorporating back slim pants, tough leather or leather like jackets and dark make-up are all key to pulling off this look. Get slim (but not skinny legged) fittings pants, Old Navy and faux leather bomber jackets from Target, Charlotte Russe, and JC Penneys.

Gray and purple:  Gray is this season's neutral and purple is this season's red.

Plaid: Plaid is back with a vengeance for fall from skirts to bomber jackets. Think prep school bad girl. You can find plaid jackets at Forever 21, Jc Penneys, and Macys.

Q. Speaking of breaking the bank, the economy is sluggish and some fashionistas are caught in a financial crunch. If there were only 1 item to buy this season, what would it be?

A gray winter coat. The farmer's alamanc says that we're headed for a cold winter, so a great gray coat is not only "in", but practical as well. Plus it's one of those trends that is both trendy and classic.

Q. Of the designers who are making lines at lower price points (e.g. Thakoon for Target Go International; Alice + Olivia for Payless Shoe Source; Patricia Field for HSN), whose Fall line (clothing or shoes) are you most looking forward to?

I'm looking forward to the Norma Kamali line at Wal-Mart.  I'm interested to see how a relatively high end designer translates their clothes to the ultimate mass market store. It's either going to be amazing and do for Wal-Mart what Isaac Mizrahi did for Target or it's going to fail miserably.

Q. Tim Gunn has one. Stacy and Clinton of TLC's What Not to Wear have one. And, Project Runway judge Nina Garcia also has a list of the essential items every woman must have in her wardrobe.  Now it is your turn. What essential items does The Budget Fashionista recommend that every woman have in her wardrobe?

There are ten things every Budget Fashionista must have in her closet.

- Black Suit. Either matching black skirt or black pants. Made out rayon material.

- White Cotton Dress Shirt. This is an important closet staple and can be both trendy (wear underneath your favorite t-shirt) and classic (wear it with a business suit).

- The Perfect Pair of Jeans. A great fitting par of jeans should be standard in every closet. Two pairs are even better. You don't have to spend a small fortune for these. Both Faded Glory ( and the Rider brand (Target and Wal-mart) are great-fitting jeans that cost less than $30.

- Pair of Plain Black Pumps. A pair of 1 to 2 inch plain black pumps can take you from the office to dinner.

- Black Dress. A closet staple, the dress should be made of a sturdy, but lightweight fabric like cotton/rayon blend. Avoid heavy wool fabrics which counteract the slimming effects of the color.

- T-shirts. Black, white, and a fun color. Perfect for layering as well as wearing alone, these shirts help stretch your closet way beyond its limits.  Make sure the t-shirts all have 1-2% spandex/lycra content which helps the shirts maintain their shapes.

- Tote Bag. Serves double duty as a briefcase during the week and a shopping bag during the weekends.

- Pair of Sneakers. One pair of sneakers that could also be worn both to workout in and for casual days like shopping.

- Trench Coat/All-Weather Coat.  Wear it as a coat or a dress. Look for a version with removable lining so that you increase usage.

- Another skirt or Bottom. A weekend staple, these pants add diversity to your outfits.

I choose these ten things because combined they make over 35 different outfits, which saves you both money and time.

Q. It has been reported that some luxury fashion designers dislike "get the look for less" stories in fashion magazines and on blogs, because it may encourage consumers to buy lower-priced imitations.  If one of these designers criticized your blog, what would your response be?

I know for a fact that the mass market lines of the designers is what keeps them afloat. In fact, the mass market lines can lead to the resurgence of their couture lines (ex: Isaac Mizrahi's line at Target led to the resurgence of his couture line). So, I would say to them that readers of The Budget Fashionista pay their rent and they really shouldn't bite the wallets that feed them.

Q. You're celebrating the 5th anniversary of your blog, Over the past five years, have you thrown caution to the wind and spent a hefty amount of money on a fashion item that you thought would be a classic but turned out not to be?

No. And it's really because of the cost per wear (the price of an item/ # times you'll wear it in a given period), forces me to think of what I am buying before I buy.


Posted by Kiki Shoes at 1:11 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink
Updated: September 9, 2008 1:35 PM EDT
August 31, 2008
Blink Once and You Won't Miss It
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Exceptionnel de Chanel Intense Volume and Curl Mascara
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

By the grace of being on the Allure Expert Panels, I had the opportunity to try Chanel’s new mascara for free. I was very honored by the privilege to try Exceptionnel de Chanel Intense Volume and Curl Mascara. I used it steadfastly for ten days, before I gave up in disgust. Although the mascara gave me full and dark lashes, I found it unpleasant to use. Despite the directions at the Chanel website, I found it very difficult to apply the mascara with its unusual comb and bristle combo brush. Each day that I used it, I ended up with product on my eyelids or on my cheek. I tried blotting mascara on a napkin before I applied it, but it did not help. The mascara goes on very wet, and takes forever to dry. Because of this, it also smudges very easily. 

Once the mascara dried, I did get very full looking lashes. I did not get much separation or lengthening with this mascara, which I found disappointing. I have very short lashes, and lengthening is what I most look for in my mascara purchases. Despite the joy of getting to try this luxury brand mascara for free, I have to give it thumbs a down. 


Posted by Kiki Shoes at 5:24 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: September 6, 2008 2:01 PM EDT
August 15, 2008
Kate Meet Kiki; Kiki Meet Kate
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Katherine Hepburn
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

Yesterday, I spent a quiet 15-minutes before work hanging out in the Art, Media, Music and Sports division of my library branch. I came across a book called Looking for Jackie: American Fashion Icons. The oversized analysis of American female icons was published in 1999 and written by Kathleen Craughwell-Varda. Aside from the usual suspects—Jackie Kennedy Onasis, Grace Kelly, Katherine Hepburn, the author also profiles a relatively unknown set of icons like first lady Dolley Madison, the Duchess of Windsor (Bessie Wallis), and Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte. It was a fascinating perusal, but I focused mainly on the chapter about Katherine Hepburn. While looking at pictures of the young Ms. Hepburn, I came to a personal fashion realization. I have been trying to emulate the wrong Hepburn!


Now, don’t get me wrong, I still love Audrey Hepburn. I love her grace, her wit, her beauty, her talent, and her humanitarian efforts. (I also admire her hard-fought journey to become a mother. Like me, she had also suffered multiple miscarriages.) But I will never be able to fill the iconic LBD or white shirt and Capri pants like Audrey. I’m heavy set, a bit short, and without a definable waist. I look (and feel) uncomfortable in dresses, close-fitting tops, and figure-skimming clothes. I prefer outfits that are simple, uncomplicated, loose, and don’t require pantyhose. I lust after heels and ballerina flats, but tend to err on the side of the more supportive oxfords. Although both my husband and I would prefer if I dressed with a bit more flair, I am too set in my ways to do it with confidence. Finally, I’m a child of the 80s. I reminisce fondly of blazers with blue jeans, argyle sweater vests, and men’s neckties as adornments. Take all of those factors, blend them together, and will you come to the realization that I did. Katherine Hepburn should be my style role model.



I saw pictures of her in denim trousers, blouses with ascots, and round-toe flats with ribbon laces the wrapped around her ankles. She wore pretty blouses and flannel slacks, but looked strong and feminine. She was butch, but you never thought she was anything but a woman. Strong, smart, witty, urbane: one of the boys but still all girl. I’m closer to Katherine Hepburn than I previously thought, and I’m not ashamed. I can be fem and never wear a heel again. I can be sexy and not show an inch of leg. I can be me and love it.


Thanks Katherine.


Hugs and kisses,





Posted by Kiki Shoes at 11:52 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink
August 9, 2008
Clothing Optional
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Closet Review
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

I am complete. Wardrobe-wise, anyway. After my shopping spree at Marshall’s last week, I took mental stock of my fall clothes. (I was going to say my fall professional clothes, but, let’s face it, all I have are middle-of-the-road clothes meant for both my professional and casual life.) There’s no article of clothing, except for the perfect little black shift dress (like the little Dolce & Gabbana to the right), that I need. When the temperature starts to dip, I will not be able to utter the phrase “I have nothing to wear.”



I took stock and here are the numbers.



2-pairs of tan print slacks

2-pairs of black slacks

1-short black skirt

1-long black skirt

2-jersey dresses

1-pair of grey slacks

2-pairs of jeans

1-pair of denim dress slacks



3- white blouses

2- V-neck tunics

2- pullover sweaters (or, as they say in England, jumpers)

3- cardigans


2-button up blouses in another color besides white

4-camis, 3 black and 1 pink.



Green tweed Chanel-esque blazer

Standard black blazer, single breasted

Cropped navy blue trench

Cropped-sleeve black swing jacket

 I am embarrassed by my bounty of riches. Even my accessories overflow (although they’re rather cheap). I’ve reached a closet nirvana yet I’m sad. Now that the journey is near its end, I feel a certain sense of loss. Hmmm…. I’m sure there’s something else I could aspire to buy. The fall issues of the fashion mags are coming out as we speak. Fashion gods, I have faith in you! (This orange shift dress might be a hoot to own.)

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 4:17 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
July 29, 2008
Shopping at Marshall's Makes Me Feel Thin & Rich
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Fashion at Marshall's
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews
I went shopping today with my mother-in-law, and it was not a wholly unpleasant experience. Mom-in-law and I spent some three plus hours perusing the clearance aisles of Marshall's in my husband's Indiana hometown. It was a truly freeing experience to discount shop for plus-size clothing by brand name designers. I also discovered two pleasant things: My new favorite designer line is Lauren by Ralph Lauren, and that your size can vary widely depending on the designer.

I slowly went through the pickings of plus-size clothing, while my mom-in-law power-shopped through the aisles picking out blouses, shorts, dresses and pants for me in record time. (Not to mention, nearly all on sale below $15.) It was like having a personal shopper without the pressure to buy. For a woman nearly twice my age and at least 40-lbs lighter, she did an excellent job.

One of my favorite pieces included a raw-silk, 3/4-sleeve, shirt-jacket in ruby red by Ralph Lauren for $20. It was a size 18W and fit the width of my back and the girth of my belly with no problem at all. It is very beautiful. (ed. Because of financial constraints, I had to return beloved shirt.Cry) There were actually several Ralph Lauren designs I wanted. There was column-neck white sweater with 3/4-sleeves, leather buckles closings on the pocket as well as wooden buttons. I was marked to a clearance price of $40. The 2x was too tight but the the 3X fight perfectly. There was also a beautiful 3/4-sleeve oxford blouses in a royal blue and a lime green color. The coloring was absolutely vibrant. I would have bought them both if it weren't for the obnoxious logo over the left breast. *sigh* I hate logos on clothing. They're so tacky.

My second favorite item was a pair of dark indigo dressy denim slacks with a slight sheen too it. It is perfect for daytime or nighttime. Very sexy and lengthening. Skims the shape. (I can't wait to wear it with the ruby red shirt and heels.) It was a size 18W (so says the tag on the inside but the tag on the outside says 16W), and it fit like a glove. I tried on a pair of black size 22W pants and they were too tight! (I hate vanity sizing or inconsistent sizing. I envy men whose clothing are sized in inches.) The flat front denim slacks with a bit of spandex was made by Sandro Women.

Finally, my most favorite purchase was a pair of sleeveless geometric print tops by Olivia Paige Woman. When I slipped on the first top by her, I looked at myself in the full-length mirror and said "Wow! This top makes me look great." I was no longer feeling bad about my very pouchy tummy, my white & very unsexy grandma panties, or my unshaved bikini line. This yellow and black, V-neck top was slenderizing and framed my face. I couldn't stop checking myself out. The other top was turquoise blue and lime green with a royal blue collar decorated with matching stones. Very, very sassy! I didn't want to take it off. I wanted to wear it home.

(That shirt matched perfectly to two pairs of walking shorts my mom-in-law picked out but were too tight for me. They barely fit but I wouldn't be able to work all day with that too-tight waistband crushing my belly. My mom-in-law said that it would be an incentive for me to exercise and lose weight. She was very positive that I could do it. I acquiesced and took the shorts to the counter, but I had the cashier take them away while my MIL paid for her purchases. I'd rather buy clothes I can fit now, and buy new clothing when I lose weight rather than staring at two pieces of clothing I can't wear comfortably right now.)

So, my trip to Marshall's today taught me some very valuable lessons I want to share:

1. I have no idea how to dress myself prettily or stylishly;
2. I'm still kind of wimpy around my  mom-in-law after 13 years;
3. Vanity sizes suck and you have to try on EVERYTHING (No more catalogs for me);
4. Brand names for less is better than shopping at the no-name $10 store;

On a side note, Shirley MacLaine is starring as Coco Chanel in a Lifetime miniseries this September. I'm very excited about it. Also, is it me or has Lifetime gotten less cheesy?

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 11:04 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: August 9, 2008 3:10 PM EDT
May 11, 2008
On Second Thought
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: Payless Shoes
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

Lately, yours truly had been ragging on Payless Shoe Source quite a bit because they've been featuring so many "upscale"  and "specialty" designers that I was unable to find any of my fav traditional Payless designs to fit my feet. I apologize Payless. You still have my heart. With thoughts of economic stimulus and Mother's Day gifts dancing in my head, I spent a full hour trying on sandals and pumps at my local Payless last Wednesday. As cute and as fashion forward as the Abaete, Lela Rose, and  Alice + Olivia designed shoes were, I didn't gravitate toward them. I don't know, I'm just not a fan of slippery-soled flats or or patent leather stripper wedges. I was looking for classic, comfy, and cute.

The first pair of shoes that caught my attention was a pair of peep-toe, B&W spectator pumps with a curved and slightly-conical heel that was very reminiscent of what a 40s Hollywood vixen would wear. If I had the opportunity to wear pumps, I would have definitely bought these stunners. (They're on sale at $13! I should have just bought them to wear around the house. Who knows, I still might.)



The second pair of shoes that I found myself bouncing around the store in wear a pair of strappy, wedge black sandals that would carry me through the entire summer. It also came in the less-severe color of navy. I found the navy to be more summery, but I'll probably buy the black because I'm a New York City girl who can never have too many shoes/boots/sandals in the color black. (I know, I know! Black sandals weigh down wispy summer outfits)

(To the left are the sandals in navy.)


The final pair of Payless shoes that I fell in love with was a pair of canvas, sling-back, red wedges with white polka dots. They were very comfortable and I imagined that I could wear them both to work and on the weekends without hurting my feet. The only downside is that I think these American Eagle shoes might be a bit too young for my 35-years. What do you think?


Btw, wasn't Patricia Field supposed to be coming out with a line of shoes with Payless? What happened with that?

Ed Note: Apparently it came and went without me knowing during the Holiday season.

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 4:09 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: May 11, 2008 4:12 PM EDT
April 26, 2008
In Bite Size Bits
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Random Fashion Thoughs
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

These 3-inch, lightweight platform shoes are called Dr Scholls Orig. Women's Harmony. All of the women who reviewed it at Famous Footwear site gave these shoes rave reviews for being fashionable and very comfortable. As I look at them, the first words that come into my mind are Crocs for Strippers. Yet, I find them oddly compelling and sexy. Is there actually something comfortable, sexy and slightly slutty that I could wear to work? Maybe I should pony up the $40 to find out.













These shoes were on sale at my local Aerosoles store for the wonderful price of $30. I tried on and fell in love with the blue patent leather pair. These 2"-heel dreams are called Kitty Kap. If it weren't for the fact that I'm on my feet so much during the day, I would definitely buy these. Maybe I should just get a pair to look at and wear around the house while I wash dishes. Unlike all my other experiences with Aerosole, these were stylish and comfortable with arch support.



My final rave of the day is a website I stumbled upon called Splendora. This is my favorite fashion, beauty, and celebrity gossip site that I've come along in awhile. It is up to date and has very kewl slide shows. It is a bitch to sign up to even though it is free. Give it a look, though.

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 4:57 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: April 27, 2008 12:19 PM EDT
April 22, 2008
Rainbow Bright Lite
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: Spring 2008 Trend Reviews
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews
According to all of the April and May fashion magazines I subscribe to, beauty and fashion trends are all about bright, pop art colors. I, for one, am all for wearing bright and/or striking colors on my eyes, nails or body. I’ve already come across some treasures. Some are already in my possession, but some I’m seriously coveting. Here are my top 5 bright color picks:

1. Sally Hansen Quick Color Nail Pen in Orange. It looks dark in the package but comes out a beautifully bright coral orange. Great for pedicures! I decided to splurge and try the nail polish pen. It costs about $8. I was able to do one hand very quickly at my desk at work. (Shhh! Don’t tell anyone.) My nail color runner-up is Sinful Colors nail enamel in Show Me the Way (833) which is a wonderful mid-green color with a warm undertone. It is dark in the bottle by quite bright on the nails.

2. The brightest lipstick in my spring collection is the pigment rich Black Radiance Perfect Tone lip color in Purple Passion (5004). It is more of a bright, iridescent fuchsia than purple. It is not a color to be worn by the faint of heart. (Black Radiance, Milani, Black Opal and Tropez are low cost beauty products geared towards Black, Latin, and Asian women of color, and are available at nearly every drugstore. If you want high intensity color without paying L’Oreal High Intensity Pigment prices, grab a nail polish, lip gloss, or lipstick from one of these brands.)

3. Now, I haven’t splurged on a pair of new summer shoes yet but I will be visiting Payless soon. (Since they’ve dramatically changed their sizing and I fall in between a size 7 and 7.5, I’ve been hard pressed to buy shoes from Payless recently.) On my wish list is a pair of peep toe, patent leather, yellow mini-wedge shoes as well as a pair of a metallic silver peep toe sling back on 1” cork wedge. How cool does that sound? (Ed. Note: Upon further research, those shoes only come in children’s sizes. How embarrassing! Also, how too grown for a little girl?)

3a. Although I love the color yellow and think it would work with my skin tone, I’ve never been brave enough to buy anything in that color. that I might be willing to carry if the bright canary color doesn’t frighten me. (The same goes for the Isaac Mizrahi patent yellow gladiator sandals. Well, I’m more inclined to go with the sandals. I don’t mind bringing attention to my toes.)

4. While reading the British publication, Eve, I came across a wonderfully bright eye shadow brand called Barry M. Barry M carries an array of the most brightly candy-colored cosmetics I have ever seen--Everything from liquid eyeliner to soft eye pencils to the wonderful eye shadow known as Dazzle Dust. I’m personally longing for the Dazzle Dust in Mint Green, Saphire (sic), Purple, and Bright Blue. (At the risk at looking like I’m trying to be 20 years my junior, I wouldn’t mind trying the nail colors in Neon Pink, Bright Red, Electric Blue Glitter, Coral and Cobalt Blue.) You can purchase products from the website, but it will probably cost you an arm and leg in shipping to the United States. Not to mention, the American dollar is incredibly weak. $1 US = .50 Great Britain Pound (GBP).

5. Finally, I’d like to grab a few pairs of bright tights to pair with a navy or black shift dress from the Avenue or Jessica London. I think this trend could work in the spring before we all go hose-less and again in the fall before we go to a monochromatic gray color palette.

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 11:31 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink
April 20, 2008
If The Bra Fits, Wear It Out the Store
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Town Shop
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews
Every now and then, yours truly, working mom moi, gets sprung from her daily life to go shopping in Manhattan. Just two short weeks ago, moi stimulated the economy of New York City but dropping a Benjamin for two brand new bras. The best thing about getting the new bras was that I finally had a professional bra fitting. Over the last two years, my body has gone through a lot of changes. I dropped thirty-five pounds, got pregnant, gave birth, and regained twenty-five of my lost pounds. Needless to say that yours truly's breasts have been up and down more than Britney Spears' moods. So, after spending the last year cramming and squeezing into ill fitting bras and trying to measure myself to no avail, I decided to splurge on a professional bra fitting. 

You can get bra fittings at Victoria's Secret, JC Penney, Macy's or any department store, but the results are iffy. Taking a cue from TLC's What Not to Wear and Bravo's Tim Gunn's Guide to Style, I took a trip to the world famous Town Shop on the Upper West Side. The bra and shaper boutique was no bigger than my apartment, but was much more stylish and better organized. After standing in the middle of the floor like a deer caught in the headlights, a young fitter came up to me and offered assistance. She led me to a fitting room, told me to take off my top, and asked me what type of bra I wanted. "Under wire and nude," I replied. (A sister needs lift!) She took a peek at the tag of the bra I was wearing, tugged a little on the straps and band, and left.  

I was left in the fitting room staring at a floor to ceiling mirror under gentle fluorescent lights. Under those conditions, staring at your body seems like a lifetime rather than five minutes. I cringed then poked, sucked in, and pinched my torso in every possible contortion to appear thinner under the lights. Finally, I sighed, exhaled, and said "This is my body now, and I need to accept it." It helped that I had a nice fitting pair of dark indigo jeans from Target.


 The fitter came in with a handful of bras, helped me into most of them, and showed me how to adjust them. She pointed out that I was indeed wearing the wrong size by 2 full band sizes and 1 cup size. She showed me where the under wire should fit me underneath my breast and arm pit. She also advised me not that the adjusters on the strap of the bra should never be higher than my shoulder blades. (If it is up near the curves of my shoulders, it's too high.) After nearly 40 minutes of asking questions and trying on bras, the fitter told me that I fell in between two sizes. Depending on the manufacturer, I'm a 38D/38DD or a 40D. Wow! I have porn star breasts. Who knew?  

I purchased two black lace numbers by Grenier bras (so much for the plain nude ones I originally requested). I wore one out feeling both physically and mentally uplifted since I no longer had the uni-tummy-boob. My annual gift to myself for every year I get a tax refund will be to go to Town Shop, get a bra fitting, and buy 2 new pretty well-fitting bras.


During my day out, I also stumbled onto some other great places on Broadway bewteen W. 82nd and W. 86th Street. I am a sucker for costume jewelry, and I found another one of those awesome costume jewelry stores that seem to be popping up all over Manhattan. Temptation (2285 Broadway @ 82nd Street; 212-579-4887) featured great plastic, wood, and metal fashion earrings and spring scarves. I was tempted to pull out the plastic and purchase away, but I resisted. However, the next time I walk into one of these stores I'm just going to say "f**k it." The choices are overwhelming and I can't stay in there long enough to make up my mind and stay within my budget.

 (On similar note, try an accessory store called Brookwood inside the subway station at W. 42nd Street/Port Authority. It is selling the most beautiful, awesome, and unique ethnic inspired jewelry and scarves. Nearly everything in the store is $5-$10. My favorite items were the oversized colored-lucite bracelets and the cooper-colored metal bracelets. There were some very pretty over-size gemstone rings that would be perfect worn on the thumb, pinky or fore finger--my new favorite places to sport rings.)

For reasonably price desserts and teas, try Edgar's Cafe at 255 W. 84th Street  between Broadway and W. End Avenue. All the desserts were delectable and under $7! The service was a little slow, but the edibles all but made up for it. It is in the first floor of a building where author Edgar Allen Poe used to live. When you sit down to it, there's a huge oil painting of Edgar staring out at you while you sip your coffee. Is that a heart I hear pounding in the floor?

 Next time, my pictures of New York City's biggest geekfest--NY's Comic Con! I loved it and was in my element.

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 2:11 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
April 15, 2008
Laws Against Showing Skinny
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: France Passes A Bill Making It Illegal for Anyone to Publicly Incite Extreme Thinness
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

Average-sized and plus-sized women around world, like myself, applaud France's action. The fashion that is advertised and shown in magazines are  mainly bought by women who are aren't skeletal. The fashion industry must realize that the concept of beauty is wider than what they portray. Their current height, weight, race, and ethnic choices just don't reflect the major reality.  It is easy to design clothes that drape beautifully from a hanger, but show me your real talent and design clothes the drape beautifully on a 5'4" 175-lb woman.

I do have one issue, though. I am afraid that this backlash against the ultra skinny models will cause a naturally thin women to be as ostracized as overweight people are now. My desire is across the line acceptance and fashion.


France takes up body image law

By DEVORAH LAUTER, Associated Press WriterTue Apr 15, 8:04 AM ET

The French parliament's lower house adopted a groundbreaking bill Tuesday that would make it illegal for anyone — including fashion magazines, advertisers and Web sites — to publicly incite extreme thinness.

The National Assembly approved the bill in a series of votes Tuesday, after the legislation won unanimous support from the ruling conservative UMP party. It goes to the Senate in the coming weeks.

Fashion industry experts said that, if passed, the law would be the strongest of its kind anywhere. Leaders in French couture are opposed to the idea of legal boundaries on beauty standards.

The bill was the latest and strongest of measures proposed after the 2006 anorexia-linked death of a Brazilian model prompted efforts throughout the international fashion industry to address the repercussions of using ultra-thin models.

Conservative lawmaker Valery Boyer, author of the law, argued that encouraging anorexia or severe weight loss should be punishable in court.

Doctors and psychologists treating patients with anorexia nervosa — a disorder characterized by an abnormal fear of becoming overweight — welcomed the government's efforts to fight self-inflicted starvation, but warned that its link with media images remains hazy.

French lawmakers and fashion industry members signed a nonbinding charter last week on promoting healthier body images. Spain in 2007 banned ultra-thin models from catwalks.

But Boyer said such measures did not go far enough.

Her bill has mainly brought focus to pro-anorexic Web sites that give advice on how to eat an apple a day — and nothing else.

But Boyer insisted in her speech to lawmakers Tuesday that the legislation was much broader and could, in theory, be used against many facets of the fashion industry.

It would give judges the power to imprison and fine offenders up to $47,000 if found guilty of "inciting others to deprive themselves of food" to an "excessive" degree, Boyer said in a telephone interview before the parliamentary session.

Judges could also sanction those responsible for a magazine photo of a model whose "excessive thinness ... altered her health," she said.

Boyer said she was focusing on women's health, though the bill applies to models of both sexes. The French Health Ministry says most of the 30,000 to 40,000 people with anorexia in France are women.

Didier Grumbach, president of the influential French Federation of Couture, said he was not aware how broad the proposed legislation was, and made no secret of his strong disapproval of such a sweeping measure.

"Never will we accept in our profession that a judge decides if a young girl is skinny or not skinny," he said. "That doesn't exist in the world, and it will certainly not exist in France."

Marleen S. Williams, a psychology professor at Brigham Young University in Utah who researches the media's effect on anorexic women, said it was nearly impossible to prove that the media causes eating disorders.

Williams said studies show fewer eating disorders in "cultures that value full-bodied women." Yet with the new French legal initiative, she fears, "you're putting your finger in one hole in the dike, but there are other holes, and it's much more complex than that."


Associated Press writer Emmanuel Georges-Picot in Paris contributed to this report.

Posted by Kiki Shoes at 1:41 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: April 20, 2008 2:12 PM EDT
March 24, 2008
On the Search for 3 F Shoes: Flat, Fierce & Fashionable,
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: Pierre Hardy's Pointy Toe Flats for Gap
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

Yours truly has been offered and has accepted a promotion at her current place of employment. Besides getting a nice, not extravagant nor exorbitant, raise, I will also have supervisory duties. Finally, people, besides my children, will have to obey my orders. <Insert evil laugh > Seriously, though, I'm officially middle-management. Besides the little raise, I want something else from this position. I want respect. In order to get respect, I realize that I have to look like I deserve respect. So, I went to Target and loaded up slacks, blouses, fancy ruche polo shirts, and dark wash jeans.

The only thing that has eluded me is the comfortable 3-F shoe to match my new supervisor-like duds.  What are 3-F shoes, you ask? They are fashionable and fierce flats, and, affordable and comfortable. I've been a serious 3-F shoe quest for the past two weeks, and I'm at a stalemate. Every single pair of pointy-toe, round-toe, kitten heel, pancake heel, wide width, medium width, 1/2-size too big, 1/2 size too small, leather, tweed, canvas, patent or PVC shoe I've tried on in the past two weeks have not fit or were not comfortable.  (Last Wednesday, I tried on no less than 30 pairs of shoes at DSW.) They were too long, too short, too revealing, or unsupportive. To top it off, some of them were plain ugly especially the ones with the weird ruche/elastic thing at the back end of the vamp above the heel. There's also this other trend of curled up flats. Why do I have to unfold my shoes to put them on?


I've come up with an arch nemesis to my shoe quest, and her name is Tory Burch. Tory Burch is the designer of the ubiquitous and oft-knocked off round-toe flats with the gosh-awful gold-plated cross emblem on the front. They look rappers from 1987 that used to rock Mercedes-Benz emblems dangling from their thick gold chains. It is all her fault that I can't find a pair of 3-F shoes because every one is copying her ugly design. *blech*



However, I have hope. I was reading the March '08 Elle magazine and read a wonderful article. Apparently, the shoe designer behind some of Balenciga's best loved shoes has created a fashionable line for the Gap. (It is called the European Collection on the Gap's website, which kind of bothers me because I think Americans are stylish enough to have "American" collections but I digress.) Although $100 is a little out of my price range for a pair shoes, I might pony up the dough if this shoe lives up to my pre-conceived notions.


Below is a pair of Pierre Hardy designed, pointy-toe flats for the Gap. Please live up to the hype, Pierre.




Posted by Kiki Shoes at 4:34 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: March 24, 2008 4:35 PM EDT
December 22, 2007
It's All in the Bag
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: Louis Vuitton Mongram Aquarelle Speedy Bag
Topic: Beauty Thoughts & Reviews

I am not a fan, in general, of Louis Vuittion bags or leather goods. I don't like the coloring of the brown with the gold initials. It's an icky poop-brown color. As the LV logo has become synomous with luxury goods, I've also come to loathe any bag or fashion item with logos emblazoned across it. It's a little tacky, and makes the wearer seem like an attention-starved braggart. Look at me, I'm carrying Louis Vuittion. With that said, I did have a severe fascination with the Murakami LV bags a few seasons ago.

I longed for them and scoured the streets and internet for the Cherry Blossom Murakami semi-perfect replica (a.k.a fake or the less illegal-sounding "inspired by") bag. I loved the whimsy of the red cheeries and pink smiley faces on white leather, or in my case, pleather. I still own XOXO imitation that I bought five years ago. It hangs in my closet to remind of one of my most series fashion quests and follies. It's too small to carry my everyday essentials, so I mostly just pull it out on Easter Sunday to go to church. Soon, I'm sure, my two daughters will be playing dress up with it as I played dress up with my grandma's retro (and surprisngly sturdy!) handbags from the 40s and 50s.

There is a new Louis Vuitton bag with pastel colored LV logos smudged and silkscreened on white canvas was designed by artist Richard Prince in collaboration with LV artistic director, Marc Jacobs. The handles and the frame are painted beautiful raspberry color. (The handle is genuine snakeskin.) It is delicate yet sturdy looking, and designed to dangle from the crook of your elbow. It's playful yet not as frivilous as the Murakami bags. It also costs $3,600 and there are no pictures available on the internet. (I suspect that is to help protect from being copied and bootlegged.) However, if you pick up a copy of the January 2008 issue of Allure magazine you'll be able to see a great picture of it on page 71. Harper's Bazaar also has a picture in its most recent issue.

I've found my latest fashion accessory obssession. Sweatshop workers and victims of terrorismm, please forgive me for buying faux. Maybe XOXO will have a nice inspired-by come spring.

The name of the bag is the Mongoram Aquarelle Speedy Bag. Below is a picture of other LV Speedy bags.


Posted by Kiki Shoes at 4:55 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink

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